Monday, July 11, 2016

Personality Assessment Tests - Getting It Right The First Time

A recent retention survey done by the U.S. Department of Justice found that small agencies took an average of 6.8 weeks to complete candidate screening processes for a new position, while large agencies took approximately 11.5 weeks to finish screening candidates. In addition to the costs associated with vacant positions and finding the HR resources needed to recruit and effectively screen candidates, the cost associated with hiring the wrong individual is perhaps the most draining on an organization’s resources. Unlike the other unavoidable costs, the cost of hiring the wrong candidate can result in wasted time, money and human resources.

There are now highly sophisticated systems available to HR managers who want to ensure they hire the right person the first time around. One of these solutions are personality assessment tests; scientifically calibrated tests that map out an individual’s behavioral tendencies and motivations, critical information to understanding whether a candidate will perform well in a certain job. These personality tests are based on the principle that each job has an ideal set of characteristics which are needed for an individual to realize success in that position. A behavioural Job analysis sets out to define what those ideal high performance characteristic are, and the equivalent personality test identifies whether potential employees will be able to consistently display those behaviors.

For example, imagine that a new position has become available in the sales and marketing department of a certain company. Using a job analysis tool, the HR manager of this company has defined that this specific job will require an individual that displays an above average degree of assertiveness and creative thinking. The HR manager then screens three applicants by having them each complete personality assessment tests. After analyzing the results (and completing proper interview and reference checks), the HR manager hires the second candidate for the position as his personality test results most closely match the level of assertiveness and creative thinking abilities required in the role. Through the assessment the HR manager also learned that the other candidates would struggle to consistently display the assertive behaviours required and was able to verify this in the reference checking. Candidate number two was the best person for this job, and because his personality profile matched the job profile, it was clear for this HR manager on who to hire.

Personality tests help managers build high performing organizations because they support crucial processes such as:

Recruitment & Evaluation – The job analysis tools help managers clearly define the type of personality and behaviors that are required from a successful candidate. This makes recruitment easier, and candidate evaluation more precise, because ideal candidate behaviors have already been mapped out, personality test results need only to be compared to this original analysis.

Selection & Retention – The personality tests also make selecting the right candidate easier, since managers need only compare the candidate’s test result with the ideal job analysis. Once the ideal candidate has been selected, the manager will also have insightful information into the person’s motivations, making it easier to keep this employee within the organization.

Personality Assessment Tests - Getting It Right The First Time

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