Thursday, July 7, 2016

Useful Phrases for Your CV or Resume

Though every Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume should be unique, it is always good to user what is called Power or Action words. These word can be used in a wide variety of ways, but when you describe the successes you have achieved in your Work Experience they are a must. Here, we show you some of the Phrases that can be used and how they can be incorporated in your CV. A previous article was made with a list of these words to give you an overall idea.

Here we will try to put them together in some phrases for your use. As always it is good to use these words, but don’t overdo it, use them with caution and don’t use the same for all your achievements.

  • Accomplished a turnaround of…

  • Centralised the management of…

  • Completely redesigned the…

  • Stimulated the growth with…

  • Gained widespread experience in

  • Motivated a group of…

  • Participated in group management…

  • Assisted with the creation of…

  • Examined the benefits of…

  • Established a team of knowledge workers…

  • Obtained the majority of customers…

  • Surveyed the creation of…

  • Formulated the overall strategy…

  • Managed the…

This is just a small portion of what to do with these power/action words, only to give you an indication of how to use them.

The most important thing is that you use these wordings when you write your CV or resume. It should not be overdone, but in the right dose it is a must have in a CV. So to get you dream job and take control of your CV use these Power Words.

Useful Phrases for Your CV or Resume

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