Thursday, February 27, 2020

Latest Jobs at Malaria Consurtium

  • Malaria Consortium Nigeria is committed to tackling the large number of malaria cases and deaths in the country. Working in partnership with the Ministry of Health and other partners, we lead and support three major malaria control initiatives in the country: Support to the National Malaria Control Programme (SuNMaP); NetWorks and MAPS. Our areas of focus in…

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    M&E Officer

    • Job Type Full Time

    • Qualification BA/BSc/HND

    • Experience 3 – 5 years

    • Location Kano , Katsina

    • Job Field Medical / Healthcare&nbsp , NGO/Non-Profit&nbsp

    Department: Technical

    Role type: National

    Length of contract: 1-Year

    Travel involved: In-country

    Grade: 7

    Reporting to: Zonal Programme Manager/State Technical Officer

    Child Safeguarding level: 2

    Dotted Line Manager: M&E Manager, Abuja

    Country and Project Background

    The Nigeria Country Office with office in Abuja, started operations in 2008, through the DFID/UKaid funded Support to National Malaria Programme, SuNMaP (2008 – 2016). The office had presence in 23 states of the country and has managed at various times, about 15 programmes and projects. It follows the mandate of the parent organization in Nigeria and has been working specifically in the following areas:

    • Malaria control/elimination;

    • Integrated community case management (iCCM) for malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea;

    • Nutrition; and

    • Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).

    Currently, the Nigeria country office manages MC programmes/projects in Sierra Leone, Chad and Burkina Faso. Malaria Consortium has recently become a sub-recipient for the new grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF) under the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) and Catholic Relief Services as the principal recipients. The goal of the grant is to contribute towards reducing the malaria burden to pre-elimination levels and bringing malaria-related mortality to zero by 2020 in Nigeria.

    This project aims to achieve seven objectives while delivering high-quality malaria services in 14 states (MC implementing in 8 of the states – Kano, Katsina, Kaduna, Jigawa, Niger, Yobe, Gombe and iCCM only in Kebbi) through improved service delivery mechanisms, demand creation and health system strengthening strategies.

    • To ensure at least 80% of targeted population utilizes appropriate preventive measures by 2020

    • To test all care-seeking persons with suspected malaria using RDT or microscopy by 2020

    • To treat all individuals with confirmed malaria seen in private or public facilities with effective anti-malarial drug by 2020

    • To provide adequate information to all Nigerians such that at least 80% of the populace habitually takes appropriate malaria preventive and treatment measures as necessary by 2020

    • To ensure the timely availability of appropriate antimalarial medicines and commodities required for prevention and treatment of malaria in Nigeria wherever they are needed by 2018

    • At least 80% of health facilities in all LGAs report routinely on malaria by 2020

    • To strengthen governance and coordination of all stakeholders for effective program implementation towards an “A” rating by 2018 on a standardized scorecard

    Job Purpose

    • The M&E officer will serve as the technical focal person for MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) activity which include data validation, DQA, coordination meetings, capacity building in data quality and supportive supervisory visit to strengthen health management information system in Global Fund project in the state. S/he will work closely with the state project manager / State technical officer to operationalise the project’s MEAL activities.

    Scope of Work:

    • The position holder will work as part of the project team under the direct supervision and guidance of the state project manager (Kano, Katsina, Niger and Yobe states) / state technical officer (Yobe, Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa) and closely with the Country Technical Coordinator (CTC) to achieve the project’s objectives.

    Key Working Relationships:

    • The M&E officer working under the line-management of the State Project Manager / State Coordinator and in close collaboration with the state, LGA, community actors, stakeholders and partners would deliver aspects of the project as per the specified job tasks and expected deliverables.

    Key Accountabilities (percent of time spent on each area)

    Technical contributions 50%:

    • Develop a micro-plan for M&E activities following the approved work plan and with guidance from the state project manager / state coordinator

    • Participate in the development and review of the Global Fund Malaria project MEAL plan.

    • At state level, lead the Implementation of the MEAL Plan and put in place procedures for compliance

    • Lead the set up and maintenance of a project database and linkages with the national DHIS version 2 platform for reporting

    • Ensure availability of high quality routine data for all malaria indicators / parameters (both case management and prevention) and other project related data from all levels of health facilities (3o, 2o, 1o)

    • In Niger and Kebbi, to also ensure high quality data are available in useable format on a regular and timely basis for programmatic decision making by facilitating data collection and entry from:

      • CORP’s service utilization register

      • CORP’s status update form to capture changes to the CORP’s status in relation to the project (e.g. withdrawal, change of supervisor, lost to follow ups, etc.)

    • Supervision checklist to capture the details of the supervision visits

    • Demand creation activity recording form to capture activities carried out by the demand creation team

    • A logistics form that captures the logistic component of the project, including drug distributions, and other related equipment and tools.

    • Working closely with the State Project Manager / State Coordinator, plan regular data quality assessments, and ensure the completeness, consistency and validity of routine data.

    • Ensure the timely submission of high quality programmatic progress Update and Disbursement Request (PUDR) and the validation of such on a quarterly basis according to the approved project performance framework.

    • Work with project team to facilitate the documentation of activities in form of reports and ensure proper archiving of such for easy access and reference

    • Working closely with the State Project Manager / State Coordinator, plan and coordinate quarterly routine monitoring visits to project supported sites and provide supportive supervision

    • Provide direct technical assistance and capacity building for state and LGA level implementers in the design and implementation of GF- supported monitoring and evaluation activities.

    • Participate in project assessments, evaluations and design including development of survey protocols with support from country office and advisors.

    • Perform other duties as assigned.

    Program Management (10%):

    • Support SMoH staff with coordinating program management activities, by ensuring that the recommended coordination meetings hold at the LGA and state levels.

    • Work with the state and LGA Ministry of Health staff to ensure that reports are obtained from all health facilities within the state through appropriate state-specific mechanisms.

    • Participate in regular monitoring and supervisory visits to the GF-supported health facilities, and ensure that action plans are developed for identified gaps.

    • Support health facilities with ensuring that all items in the action plans are addressed and all outstanding gaps are closed.

    Accountability (10%):

    • Support programming staff to engage key populations in monitoring and evaluating program’s performance and to incorporate participatory methods into M&E systems in Nigeria.

    • Orient program staff and partners on the basic principles and practices of beneficiary accountability in Nigeria.

    • Support the development and implementation of feedback and response channels to reflect the preferences of community members and beneficiaries.

    • Ensure that beneficiary feedback is adequately documented, addressed, analyzed, and utilized by program teams.

    Knowledge Management and Learning (20%):

    • Ensure that state M&E and program teams regularly review and accordingly adjust M&E plans and tools in the light of changes and needs in the field context based on monitoring data and reflection sessions.

    • Support learning-to-action events and reflection sessions to systematically analyze data for programmatic use for the state, and to document and incorporate lessons learned into program design and implementation.

    • Conduct regular data review and analysis for feedback to states for program improvement, and for updates to national level (MC and government).

    • Support program staff in key activities including development of a learning agenda, organizing regular learning events, supporting operations research, and reflecting, documentation, and communication of learning initiatives.

    • Actively participate in the M&E Community of Practice with other PR, SRs and government M&E staff.

    • Support knowledge management systems and practices to gather, document and share best practices with project team, MC country office, government and technical partners. Collaborate with M&E and program staff to develop learning briefs, project bulletins and other materials for dissemination.

    • Promote adoption of the best practices in knowledge management by other project staff and government partners.

    Representation (10%):

    • Liaise with technical counterparts in the State Ministry of Health, PRs, SRs, and other local stakeholders engaged in malaria activities in Nigeria.

    • At state level, represent MC and make presentations at technical meetings and events related to MEAL, including quarterly Principal Recipient and Sub-recipients quarterly review meetings. Representation will be agreed with the State Project Manager / State Coordinator

    Person Specification

    Qualifications and Experience


    • A minimum of 3-5 years’ experience in a similar role

    • Degree in Statistics, Demography, Mathematics or any other relevant quantitative relevant discipline

    • Cognate experience in monitoring and evaluation of community-based interventions is highly desirable

    • Hands-on experience in the use and managing HMIS and CLMS

    • Proficiency and demonstrable experience in database management software packages and statistical analysis especially with; Stata, SPSS, Epi Info and DHIS;

    • Experience in survey design and implementation and write up of survey results


    • Demonstrable contextual knowledge of local issues, community priorities, social and cultural constraints and realities related to community assessment, project design, evaluation and implementation

    • Familiarity with Nigerian public sector health systems and Global Fund programme implementation will be added advantages.

    • Experience working with donor grants or contracts such as GFATM, DFID or USAID/PMI

    • Excellent facilitation and coordination skills

    Work-based Skills and Competencies


    • Proven writing, communication and presentation skills in English

    • He/she must clearly display the ability to effectively prioritise and perform tasks to meet tight deadline


    • Skills in qualitative research

    • The ideal candidate must be attentive to detail, highly organized, flexible and self-motivated

    Core Competencies

    Delivering results:

    LEVEL C – Supports others to achieve results

    • Displays a positive and enthusiastic approach and is not deterred by setbacks, finding alternative ways to reach goals or targets.

    • Supports others to plan and deliver results

    • Supports others to manage and cope with setbacks

    Analysis and use of information:

    LEVEL C – Works confidently with complex data to support work

    • Interprets complex written information

    • Works confidently with data before making decisions: for example; interpreting trends, issues and risks

    • Acquainted with the validity, relevance and limitations of different sources of evidence

    Interpersonal and communications:

    LEVEL C – Adapts communications effectively

    • Tailors communication (content, style and medium) to diverse audiences

    • Communicates equally effectively at all organisational levels

    • Understands others’ underlying needs, concerns and motivations and communicates effectively in sensitive situations

    • Resolves intra-team and inter-team conflicts effectively

    Collaboration and partnering:

    LEVEL C – Builds strong networks internally and participates actively in external networks and think tanks:

    • Builds strong networks internally

    • Participates actively in external networks and/or think tanks.

    • Engages with relevant experts to gather and evaluate evidence

    • Shares and implements good practice with internal and external peers

    Leading and motivating people:

    LEVEL C – Effectively leads and motivates others or direct reports:

    • Gives regular, timely and appropriate feedback,

    • Acknowledges good performance and deals with issues concerning poor performance

    • Carries out staff assessment and development activities conscientiously and effectively

    • Develops the skills and competences of others through the development and application of skills

    • Coaches and supports team members when they have difficulties

    Flexibility/ adaptability:

    LEVEL D – Clarifies priorities and ensures learning from experience:

    • Clarifies priorities when leading change

    • Sees and shows others the benefits of strategic change.

    • Helps colleagues/team members to practice stress management through prioritization of workloads and modelling of appropriate self-management and care

    • Makes time to learn from experience and feedback, and apply the lessons to a new situation

    Living the values:

    LEVEL C – Supports others to live Malaria Consortium’s values:

    • Demonstrates personal integrity by using role position responsibly and fairly

    • Cultivates an open culture within the wider team, promoting accountability, responsibility and respect for individual differences

    Strategic planning and thinking and sector awareness:

    LEVEL C – Keeps up to date with the internal and external environment:

    • Takes into account economic, political and other business factors when drawing up medium and long-term plans, covering both public and private sectors,

    • Looks beyond the immediate operations to prospects for new business,

    • Engages with appropriate internal and external sources to establish major influences on future plans



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    Zonal Project Manager

    • Job Type Full Time

    • Qualification MBA/MSc/MA

    • Experience

    • Location Bauchi

    • Job Field Project Management&nbsp

    Grade: 9

    Role type: National  

    Safeguarding level: 2

    Department: Management

    Length of contract: 1 year

    Travel involved: In-country travel

    Reporting to: Senior Project Manager

    Direct reports: M&E, Admin / Supply Chain , Accounts Officers and LGA cluster supervisors

    Country and Project Background

    • The Nigeria Country Office in Abuja, started operations in 2008, through the DFID/UKaid funded Support to National Malaria Programme, SuNMaP (2008 – 2016). The office had presence in 23 states of the country and has managed at various times, about 15 programmes and projects. It follows the mandate of the parent organization in Nigeria and has been working specifically in the following areas:

      • Malaria control/elimination;

      • Integrated community case management (iCCM) for malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea;

      • Nutrition; and

      • Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).

    • Currently, the Nigeria country office manages MC programmes/projects in Sierra Leone, Chad and Burkina Faso. Malaria Consortium recently received grant from a pool of Philanthropic organizations and individuals through the recommendations of Givewell to implement SMC in three West African countries including Nigeria. In addition, Malaria Consortium has funds from GF (as a sub-recipient in GFATM, with SMC component) and SuNMaP2 for SMC. In Nigeria, Malaria Consortium will be using these funds to implement SMC implementation in 7 States (Bauchi, Kebbi, Kano, Katsina, Sokoto, Yobe and Zamfara). Under this new funding and any anticipated additional funding, all malaria consortium SMC activities in county will be consolidated into a single project for better coordination and technical integrity. Approved by WHO in 2012, SMC is the monthly administration of a combination sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine (SP+AQ) to children aged 3-59 months during the malaria transmission season to prevent or reduce the effects malaria. Evidence suggests that SMC given monthly prevents approximately 75% of all malaria episodes.

    Job Purpose

    • To work with the country office team and SMC Senior Project Manager to effectively manage project activities and resources, provide leadership and stewardship to the project team and maintain collaborative links with the project’s key stakeholders at national and sub-national level.

    Key Working Relationships:

    • The Sate Project manager would be working with the state team and stakeholders in their zones, especially the State Ministries of Health and LGA Departments of Health/PHC, manage the rollout and implementation of the SMC activities in project states. S/he would report to the Senior Project Manager.

    Scope of Work:

    • The Zonal Project Manager (ZPM) would support the programme activities at zonal and state levels, being in charge of a cluster of states to ensure timely project delivery of the programme to achieve given targets and objectives.

    Key Accountabilities (percent of time spent on each area)

    Project Management (60%):

    • Work with the programme team and other relevant personnel in the country office to lead activities for smooth project start-up and planning in line with the SMC Malaria Project Implementation Plan.

    • Work with the relevant personnel to prepare all necessary project start-up and planning tools on time.

    • To build and performance manage an effective and technically unsurpassed SMC project team in their states.

    • Work directly with the SPM and be responsible for coordinating overall project implementation in the states and see that activities are carried out on time and within budget.

    • Liaise regularly with the SPM to provide timely and comprehensive updates and reports as required.

    • Liaise with other partners relevant for successful SMC malaria implementation in the state.

    • Line manages an effective and technically sound SMC project team in the state.

    • Liaise with state stakeholders to get their buy-in and ensure effective implementation of SMC activities in the state

    • Ensure the mass drug distribution campaign is carried out according to guidelines, and in compliance to donor funding requirements

    • Organize and participate in the training of State, LGA and community volunteers teams involved in the distribution activities

    • Participate in the state and LGA level microplanning meetings for the distribution activities

    • Be responsible for timely financial accountability for any disbursed funds for project activities in the state

    • Support SMOH to develop SMC scale-up plan especially in the period after the project period

    • Duty of care on all campaign personnel.

    • Work with the project team to develop and implement annual work plans.

    • Work closely with the SPM to prepare the programme monitoring and evaluation plan in conjunction with the Project M&E Manager. Work with the project team to implement it.

    • Work with the country finance team and project finance associate to prepare and track progress of project and activity budgets.

    • Be responsible for zonal project budget management and reporting

    • Be responsible for preparing project progress report, which is submitted to the SPM and regional programme director quarterly, including narrative reports on a timely basis.

    • Work with finance team and SPM to prepare quarterly financial reports.

    • Work with the relevant country personnel and the SPM to prepare an exit strategy and to implement it, to see to the smooth end of the programme.

    • Coordinate with other donors and implementers to ensure complementarity of implementation of the SMC malaria project in project states by leveraging resources and harmonizing efforts where possible.

    • Work with the Country Communication Manager, the Country Technical Coordinator, SPM, for social mobilization to see that a programme communications strategy is developed and implemented.

    • Coordinate the documentation of SMC supported activities in form of activity-specific reports and ensure proper archiving of such for easy access and reference.

    • Contribute to SMC coordination meetings in form of progress updates and power point presentations.

    • Be responsible for quarterly lessons identification and learning documentation and dissemination.

    • Be responsible for building functional partner relationships among the project’s stakeholders.

    • Oversee project partners inputs and subcontractors’ activities to deliver harmonized, aligned and effective outputs

    • Manage risks to Malaria Consortium including financial, reputation and security in a challenging environment

    • Work with the project M&E Officer and Country M&E Specialist to ensure that high-quality project data is collected, analysed and disseminated to relevant stakeholders at all levels and reported to PI.

    Technical contributions (10%):

    • Work with the project teams, SPM and the Country Technical Coordinator to determine technical support needs to implement the project effectively and with high quality. Liaise with the Country Technical Coordinator to obtain regional or global technical support.

    • Contribute to the development and production of dissemination documents to allow wider sharing of Malaria Consortium’s experiences, lessons and successes.

    Technical performance management and Quality Assurance (20%):

    • Take the lead in monitoring and evaluating project performance.

    • Keep abreast with evidence and best practices that are related to the project.

    Representation (10%):

    • Work with the Country Director, Country Technical Coordinator and SPM to participate in national level meetings and workshops to represent Malaria Consortium at programmatic and coordination events,

    • Work with the Country Director, Country Technical Coordinator and SPM to keep key national stakeholders abreast with the project.

    • To exert influence and to advocate for Malaria Consortium’s key technical positions and promote best practice in SMC interventions.

    Person specification

    Qualifications and experience:


    • Postgraduate or Master’s degree in Public Health, Health Policy, Epidemiology or another relevant specialty is a minimum requirement.

    • Extensive experience of working at national or state level in developing countries.

    • Excellent project planning, management and monitoring & evaluation skills.

    • Experience managing project budgets

    • Proven leadership skills and team-leading

    • Experience in advocacy and policy influencing

    • Excellent written and spoken English.


    • Experience on SMC-supported project

    • Advance knowledge of Microsoft office

    Work-based skills and competencies:


    • Proof of strong interpersonal and negotiating skills

    • Experience in using participatory adult learning techniques and previous experience in mass drug distribution campaign activities

    • Excellent report writing and presentation skills are also needed.

    • Understanding of public health issues in Nigeria.

    Core Competencies

    Delivering results:

    LEVEL C – Supports others to achieve results:

    • Displays a positive and enthusiastic approach and is not deterred by setbacks, finding alternative ways to reach goals or targets.

    • Supports others to plan and deliver results

    • Supports others to manage and cope with setbacks

    Analysis and use of information:

    LEVEL C- Works confidently with complex data to support work:

    • Interprets complex written information

    • Works confidently with data before making decisions: for example; interpreting trends, issues and risks

    • Acquainted with the validity, relevance and limitations of different sources of evidence

    Interpersonal and communications:

    LEVEL C – Adapts communications effectively:

    • Tailors communication (content, style and medium) to diverse audiences

    • Communicates equally effectively at all organisational levels

    • Understands others’ underlying needs, concerns and motivations and communicates effectively in sensitive situations

    • Resolves intra-team and inter-team conflicts effectively

    Collaboration and partnering:

    LEVEL C – Builds strong networks internally and participates actively in external networks and think tanks:

    • Builds strong networks internally  

    • Participates actively in external networks and / or think tanks.

    • Engages with relevant experts to gather and evaluate evidence

    • Shares and implements good practice with internal and external peers

    Leading and motivating people:

    LEVEL C – Effectively leads and motivates others or direct reports:

    • Gives regular, timely and appropriate feedback,

    • Acknowledges good performance and deals with issues concerning poor performance

    • Carries out staff assessment and development activities conscientiously and effectively

    • Develops the skills and competences of others through the development and application of skills Coaches and supports team members when they have difficulties

    Flexibility / adaptability:

    LEVEL C – Supports others to cope with pressure:

    • Responds positively to change, embracing and using new practices or values to accomplish goals and solve problems and supports others to do the same

    • Adapts team approach, goals, and methods to achieve solutions and results in dynamic situations

    • Sets realistic deadlines and goals for self or team

    Living the values:

    LEVEL C – Supports others to live Malaria Consortium’s values:

    • Demonstrates personal integrity by using role position responsibly and fairly

    • Cultivates an open culture within the wider team, promoting accountability, responsibility, and respect for individual differences

    Strategic planning and thinking and sector awareness:

    LEVEL B – Is aware of others’ activities and vice versa in planning activities:

    • Takes account of team members and others’ workloads when planning

    • Maintains awareness of impact on other parts of the organisation, keeping abreast of other’s activities, objectives, commitments, and needs

    • Has a good understanding of the sector in which Malaria Consortium works



    Method of Application

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.


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