Wednesday, February 12, 2020


International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and Nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

International Medical Corps is therefore looking for a suitable candidate to fill the position of


Position: Nigerian nationals only

ESSENTIAL JOB DUTIES/SCOPE OF WORK: (Essential functions, quality/quantity expected list of marginal duties and number of national/and or expat staff supervised) International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training, relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, non-political, non-sectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations. International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

International Medical Corps has been operating in Nigeria since November 2013, and currently has projects in two States (Kano and Borno). In Borno, International Medical Corps has been actively implementing interventions to support vulnerable populations recently affected by conflict and displacement due to insurgency.

IMC is implementing an emergency integrated Health, GBV and WASH program in Maiduguri, Jere, Konduga and Mafa LGAs. This support is from OFDA and focuses on capacity building for health workers, rehabilitation of health facilities, and supply of essential medicines. IMC also has nutrition and WASH program in Damboa and Dikwa LGA in Borno, North East Nigeria. The organization provide CMAM/IYCF and is setting up stabilization centers in the two LGAs.

In Borno and Kano, IMC is a consortium member of the Core Group Polio Project in Nigeria. This is a five-year Polio Eradication program in covering 6 LGAs in Kano and 10 in Borno. IMC is implementing this project in partnership with Local CBOs in Kano and Borno respectively

IMC is utilizing a three-pronged strategy to implement the Project to increase rates of routine immunization and supplementary immunization activities for children under 5 years of age, focusing especially on polio vaccination. The project 1) re-enforces the Ministry of Health’s routine immunization program to improve its performance, 2) strengthen supplemental polio immunization efforts, and 3) improves community mobilization in support of child immunization and acute flaccid paralysis surveillance. This is to improve the Expanded Program on Immunization services contributing to CGPP’s goal of polio eradication in hard-to-reach communities.


Under the supervision of M&E Coordinator in collaboration with CGPP State Manager and Senior Project officer. Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Officer will be responsible for designing, planning and providing technical guidance on Monitoring and Evaluation activities in the polio eradication project in Borno states. He/she will work closely with the local implementing partners, Monitoring and Evaluation working groups both at the states and national level, to ensure efficient and effective social mobilization in the implementation of the PEI activities in the states.


· Support the Communication Officer and Surveillance Officer to effectively collect, collate and report social mobilization and Surveillance data as required.

· Conduct regular monitoring visits to partners’ project sites, review partners’ M&E system and focused Group Discussion to measure the project progress.

· Provide consistent, supportive supervision to strengthen staff performance as necessary to meet monitoring objectives.

· Responsible for state data collation, processing and reporting of weekly and monthly summary forms from Partners M&Es, LGACs and VWSs.

· Provide timely analyzed data and report on the monitoring activities and feedback to the programs; and write reports.

· Conduct regular data validation and verification exercise as necessary.

· Maintain the Indicator Performance Tracking Table and feed the information to programs and MEAL team.

· Conduct regular analysis and action planning meetings to (1) compare data against project milestones, targets, and quality expectations across project sites;

· Identify, document, store and share lessons learned (this includes success story too) that have Implications for refinement of best programmatic practice.

· Ensure ethical and safe collection and storage of data.

· Assist the M&E Coordinator in all aspects of programme monitoring by periodic data collection, data verification and data analyzing from partners

· Develop and maintain database system to ensure programme tracking and to get critical Information of programme achievement by organizing, analyzing, and presentation.

· Identify the needs and Provide technical supports on data management system, and M&E for partner organization.

· Assist and participate in M&E trainings to staff and partners on M&E Systems and data analysis in liaison with Implementing Partners.

· Ensure data management related training and capacity needs are identified systematically and communicated to CGPP state manager

· Collaborate with partners’ M&E person to ensure effective supervision, monitoring and evaluation system in place.

· Support the team lead to monitor activities at the intervention states and communicate findings and progress to response team

· Support Documentation, Reporting, Knowledge Sharing and Effective Feedback Mechanism.

· Support coordination of the response monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual reviews and reports as required.

· Participate in dissemination of program information to communities, children, and other stakeholders through a regular feedback mechanism.

· Participate in program review meetings in both the state and national

· Participate in project baseline, midterm and end of project evaluation and special data requests.

· Maintain an inventory of data collection and monitoring visits to partners on a regular basis to monitor M&E systems.

· Carry out other tasks to support the polio project activities as assigned.

· Conversant in USAID indicators reporting on Nigeria Polio project


· A degree qualification or equivalent in public health, social science, statistics, economics or related discipline

  • Master’s degree will be an added advantage.

· At least 3 years M&E experience in international development, experience working on polio project

· Strong analytical skills and an understanding of a range of methods for monitoring, evaluation and assessment to promote evidence-based learning.

· Planning skills, including ability to think creatively and set priorities, manage work plans and evaluate progress.

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English.

· Understanding of local communities and cultures in the relevant states of operations and ability to communicate fluently in Hausa or Kanuri.

  • Ability to travel and work in difficult settings, including remote rural areas of Nigeria.

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint, or similar software.

  • Well-organized, with ability to track multiple activities and deadlines.

  • Experience in providing administrative support to work teams.

  • Ability to work successfully in cross-cultural, team-based environment.

How to apply:

All applications should be addressed to the Human Resource Coordinator, International Medical Corps via the email:

Candidates MUST state the position and location they are applying for as the subject of their email, application letter and curriculum vitae should be in a single Microsoft Word Document, otherwise applications will not be considered.

Deadline for submission is 19th February, 2020.


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