Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nigeria: International Information Management Officer (IMO)

Job Title: International Information Management Officer (IMO)

Project: Strengthening capacities in Information Management for Humanitarian Actors

Location: Based in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

Expected Start Date of Assignment: 1st April 2020

Duration: Three months

Reports to: iMMAP Senior IMO in consultation with Protection Sector lead


iMMAP is an international not-for-profit organization that provides information management services to humanitarian and development organizations, enabling partners to make informed decisions that ultimately provide high-quality targeted assistance to the world’s most vulnerable populations. iMMAP supports humanitarian and development actors to solve operational and strategic challenges. Our pioneering approach facilitates informed and effective emergency preparedness, humanitarian response, and development aid activities by enabling evidence-based decision- making for UN agencies, humanitarian cluster/sector leads, NGOs, and government operations.


The humanitarian crisis in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states in Nigeria’s north-east, that has spilled over into the Lake Chad region, is among the most severe humanitarian crises in the world today. 7.1 million people in Nigeria are in need of urgent, life-saving humanitarian assistance in 2019 and 6.2 million are targeted to receive aid.

Since the start of the conflict in 2009, more than 27,000 people have been killed and thousands of women and girls abducted. 17. Violence against women, girls and children, including sexual violence, exposure to trafficking, and other forms of gender-based violence, is all too common yet underreported. Women are often forced into survival sex in exchange for food, movement and items to meet their basic needs, while some vulnerable households have resorted to early marriage and child labour. Thousands of children swell in the ranks of armed actors and predominantly women and children are compelled by non-state armed groups to carry person-borne improvised explosive devices.

Now in its tenth year, the conflict continues to uproot the lives of tens of thousands of children, women and men. As of 2019, 1.8 million Nigerians have fled from their homes and are internally displaced, the majority in Borno State – the epicentre of the crisis. 80 per cent of internally displaced people are women and children, and one in four are under the age of five.

Insecurity due to ongoing hostilities and military operations have led to waves of mass displacement and continue to impact humanitarian operations.

iMMAP, through funding from the Nigeria Humanitarian Fund (NHF), is planning to develop the capacity of protection sector national Non-Governmental Organisations (NNGOs) in Borno state.

Project objectives:

The overall purpose of the project is to enhance humanitarian response and coordination by improving protection sector partners’ information management capacity. The project aims to provide training to actors in best practices for collection, analysis and dissemination of information related to the protection sector, and to provide ongoing and surge support to national NGOs in protection sector working in MMC and Jiri Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Borno State, where gaps in technical expertise have been identified, in order to support humanitarian aid operations programme planning and operations.

This will be achieved through the following:

  • Assess the Information Management capacity of protection sector partners in Borno state

  • Identify priority partners who require additional IM training (in consultation with protection sector and UN OCHA and iMMAP capacity building network)

  • Conduct six rounds of specialized IM training sessions on core information management pertaining to the humanitarian context to the identified protection sector partners.

  • Evaluate impact on data collection & data analysis through the protection sector.

The training will be conducted in Maiduguri, and National NGOs can invite their staff from all LGAs using UNHAS services to attend the training at Maiduguri.

Job Description

Under the direct supervision of iMMAP senior Information Management Officer and in close consultation with north-east Nigeria Protection Sector, the incumbent will provide Capacity Development services that includes the following:

  • Design a questionnaire for the protection sector partners, in consultation with the Protection sector coordination team (sub-sector), to understand the capacity development needs of sector partners;

  • Carry out a mapping exercise of national NGOs working on protection in north-east Nigeria, with the support of the national IMO, to involve in the capacity needs assessment;

  • Review findings with Protection sector partners and coordination team and identify priority partners who require IM training (in consultation with protection sector and UN OCHA and iMMAP capacity building network)

  • Design two training package on the Information Management in Humanitarian Assistance with focus on Protection sector specific needs, tools. This includes but not limited to compiling a list of IM tools used across the Protection sector and sub-sectors, indicators guidelines, 5Ws use and analysis, etc… The training curriculum to be divided in two levels (A and B) each one five days.

  • Conduct six rounds (3 level A and 3 level B) of specialized IM training sessions, with the support of the national IMO and protection sector coordinator/ IM, on core information management pertaining to the humanitarian context to the identified protection sector partners.

  • Establish a mechanism for the bilateral technical support post the training to participating organizations. The national IMO to follow on the out-reach technical support whenever time allows.

  • Provide a final report including evaluation of the training impact and compile all materials used for the training for future trainings.

Professional Competencies

A- Professional Qualifications and Experience:

  • Minimum of 7 years’ experience in information management/ M&E related field preferably in protection sector/ humanitarian context;

  • University degree in information management, GIS, computer science, statistics or related field;

  • Willingness and ability to work in difficult environments, in often stressful situations;

  • Fluent English;

B- Essential Technical Skills

  • Knowledge of adult learning, and developing training modules;

  • Ability to present information in understandable tables, charts and graphs;

  • Knowledge of Illustrator or other graphics design/ visualization software;

  • Knowledge of ArcGIS or other mapping software;

  • Data storage and file management knowledge and expertise;

  • Assessment, survey, monitoring, evaluation and IM systems expertise;

  • Communications and technical writing using both graphic and narrative presentations;

C- Behavioral Competencies

  • Ability to understand and adapt to complex and dynamic situations;

  • Ability to work under pressure;

  • Takes initiatives, manages own use of time and is self-motivating;

  • Proven ability to work in teams;

  • Cultural and Gender awareness and sensitivity.

Personnel is expected to conduct itself in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and iMMAP’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all Countries.

iMMAP has zero-tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, human trafficking, child abuse and exploitation.

Any violations of these principles and policies will be treated as serious misconduct.

iMMAP is an Equal Opportunity Employer regardless of background.

How to apply:

Please follow the link:


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